Last Week to see the “Vibrate Higher” Exhibition

Vibrate Higher Exhibition
Vibrate Higher Exhibition

This week is the last week to take in the “Vibrate Higher” Exhibition at South Fulton County Art Center. The paintings in this exhibit are very important works by some of Atlanta’s most interesting emerging artists. A person’s vibration is a direct reflection of their inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choice of words, how well they take care of themselves, the natural environment, and others around them. Your vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and it is special only to you! “In today’s social, political, and economic atmosphere, it is even more important than ever to not only hold, but project a healthier state of being. As artists, it is our calling to do so. The Vibrate Higher Exhibition was a collective step in that direction.


Make no mistakes… “Vibrating Higher” is not for the faint of heart. Most of us only look internally and make changes when circumstance dictates that we absolutely have to. Raising your own vibration is not easy. The idea basically consists of going against ones own instinctual animal nature as opportunity presents itself in daily exchange with other people who also face the same dilemma. This is heavy lifting for the average person. Almost everything we come across on television or social media is designed to sell you a very gradual concept. Subtly overtime the essential idea is slowly introduced that you are not enough as you are already. As a matter of fact, you’ve got a lot of damn work to do! Maybe if you buy this, rub this in, try this for 30 days, you might begin to approach acceptability. Typically the most innocent looking advertisements are the most insidious. A lot of these low frequency commercials and “programs” are specifically aimed at children. Studies show that by the age of five, most children can tell you more about their perceived inadequacies than their attributes. By the time we enter young adulthood this tragic worldview and it’s accompanying behavior patterns are deeply engrained in our psychology. Low self esteem, cynicism, jealously, and insensitivety to other people’s suffering all appear well… normal. So what does a dew drop of integrity do lost in a vast desert of indecency? How does a person remain sain while still drinking from the same river as the insane? How indeed does a person actually  “vibrate higher”?

There exist certain principles intertwined through all of the philosophies and religions of the world. All of these principles ultimately point to one thing – Knowledge of self.

Knowledge of self can be found through all of the faiths, meditation, even the wilderness. Contrary to popular belief we actually do have the final say on how we want to live our lives. This is a very powerful realization that should not be overlooked. It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why you are here in the first place. The exhibition features works by Deshun Stephens, Darrien West, D. Hodges, Creed, and Jeanne Burke Wierda. The work will be on display until Friday May 26th. This is an electric time to be alive, come out and VIBRATE HIGHER!

Vibrate Higher Exhibition 2017
Vibrate Higher Exhibition 2017

Vibrate Higher Exhibition 2017
Vibrate Higher Exhibition 2017

Below I have listed 10 small ways to raise your daily vibration.

  1. Practice self-love to fuel your energetic transformation. Focus on your own inner peace.  

2.     Meditate daily [at least 10 minutes] to clear your mental chaos.

3.     Forgive Yourself – The path to a higher vibrational frequency is not linear. You will make mistakes, miss essential spiritual lessons, and hit roadblocks along the way because you’re not perfect.

4.     Perceive the diversity of creation to appreciate all things.

5.     Remember that you reside in more than just your physical body, much more. Accept your interconnection with the universe to expand your consciousness.

6.     Soften your energy to release creativity and harmony

7.     Project your true self to live an authentic and fulfilling life.

8.     Avoid gossip and negativity

9.     Surround yourself with positive people to energize your spirit. Remember that proximity to positive people will empower you.

10.   Laugh out loud!

“Vibrate Higher” Exhibition

Location: South Fulton county Art Center Address: 4645 Butner Rd, College Park, GA 30349 Phone:(404) 612-3087 Art Center Manager : Tony Jordan Curator: Ralph “rEN” Dillard

Vibrate Higher exhibition April 14th 2017 at South Fulton Art Center
Vibrate Higher exhibition April 14th 2017 at South Fulton Art Center

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Quick observation about being an artist!

rEN teaching at The Ultimate Art Bar
rEN teaching at The Ultimate Art Bar

“Being a painter requires a lot of vulnerability. Artist put their guts up on display for total strangers to make value judgements about how the guts look! It takes courage to be an artist in a society full of so much overt and subtle hate. If you are an artist… Stay true – they will understand later…” Ralph “rEN” Dillard #unlearn #renswork

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Essay on The Tao Te Ching by rEN

"equity" -30x36 - Oil on canvas - 2011“The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.” This is the opening line of one of the most profound text in human history – The Tao Te Ching. As a visionary artist, I often ponder on the spiritual matters in life. I suppose that is just the way I am built. Lately I have been intensely focused on the lessons of the Tao Te Ching! It is such a fascinating read with all of its symmetry and balance that I find it sometimes difficult to put down.

Tao translates as WAY

Te translates as VIRTUE

Ching translates as LAW

Thus, Tao Te Ching can be translated as “The Way and the Power of The Law”

The Tao Te Ching is the second most published book in history only second to by the Bible. I think it’s popularity over the centuries is due to its simplicity and clarity. It almost feels as if the book is communicating ideas that you already knew but had somehow forgotten! This eloquently written document contains information that the reader intuitively feels is true, but perhaps had never seen the ideas articulated in such a way. The first time I was introduced to the Tao Te Ching, I remember feeling that I had waited my whole life to hear the simple sayings in this book.


A very “wise old man” named Lao Tzu is the author of the Tao Te Ching. Lao Tzu actually translates as “old man” or “old master”. He is said to have lived around 2500 years ago in 6th century BC [500years before Christ]. He was also believed to have been a contemporary of Confucius! The story goes that Lao Tzu had accumulated a vast amount of wisdom over his lifetime and had grown weary of living around other people. One day he packed his bags to leave the community and go off alone to live as a hermit. There are various theories as to how Lao Tzu came to write the Tao. One of the most widely accepted theories is that as he approached the gate, the guard recognized him and informed him that he could not leave until he wrote down his knowledge for the people to have after his departure.

Lao Tzu complied with the guard’s request in the form of the 81 verses of the Tao. The poetic words of the Tao are almost musical in composition!

He who stands on tiptoe

doesn’t stand firm.

He who rushes ahead

doesn’t go far.

He who tries to shine

dims his own light.

He who defines himself

can’t know who he really is.

He who has power over others

can’t empower himself.

He who clings to his work

will create nothing that endures.

If you want to accord with the Tao,

just do your job, then let go.”

Lao Tzu

The word Tao means  – way. The “way” meaning the unnamable process or flow of the universe. The idea has been likened to a fish in the river. Though it can swim in many directions, it is still being carried along by the general movement of the river in a way that it could not possibly fully conceive. The minute we wake up to our connection to the universal movement of the Tao, we like the fish, instantly realize the full power of the river is at our disposal. We begin to swim, or in our case live more skillfully! It is the difference between a man using every muscle in his back on a row boat, or the same man putting up a sail and using the wind to cross a great body of water.


Return is said to be the movement of the Tao. This idea is expressed in the well known YinYang symbol above.

Yin is understood to represent the female principle of phenomena while Yang represents the male principle.

This sacred geometric figure is widely considered a two part symbol. But there is a third element that is more vital than the obvious two contrasting colors. Yes the white and the dark halves have edges that define each other. It is this very condition that makes them dependent upon one another to exist! The concept is similar to the way shape and color are linked, or hearing and sound. Their existence is transactional! There is no seller without a buyer and no buyer without a seller. The height of the mountain above implies the depth of the valley below. The two go together and are inseparable. In this case the inseparable visible quality of the YinYang symbol is the circle from which neither half can escape. The circle is like the river to the fish.

Chapter 76 excerpt from The Tao Te Ching *

While alive, the body is soft and pliant

When dead, it is hard and rigid

All living things, grass and trees,

While alive, are soft and supple

When dead, become dry and brittle

Thus that which is hard and stiff

is the follower of death

That which is soft and yielding

is the follower of life

Therefore, an inflexible army will not win

A strong tree will be cut down

The big and forceful occupy a lowly position

While the soft and pliant occupy a higher place”

Not a book to be read in a single sitting, the Tao Te Ching is intended to be digested slowly and thoughtfully over time. Each passage is a different viewpoint to be pondered and enjoyed on a variety of levels. At times, the writing is unclear and somewhat puzzle-like, but a reader who is patient enough to explore the variety of possibilities will find themselves spiritually richer for the effort.



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Jay Z @ McDonalds

Jay-Z @ McDonalds - 50x64 - Oil on canvas - 2011    Jay Z @ McDonalds [click the images for a larger view]

Jay Z at McDonalds is a large 50X64 oil on canvas. The multi-layered painting combines several different religious motifs and iconic references. I wanted the viewer to feel a sense of symmetry and balance. There was also an effort to create a certain element of space and distance. These two ideas blend together to build a surrealistic dreamscape where everything is more liquid than solid.
 dogwoodgallery [Currently exhibited @ Dogwood Gallery]
The peapod at the top of the painting is symbolic of the holy trinity. Positioned under a lunar eclipse, the peapod is slightly opened, similar to a human eye socket. This gentle awakening to a higher consciousness is a gradual process that we all go through in life. The 3 peas represent the 3rd eye as well. Whenever the 3rd eye begins to open… it can never be fully closed again. There maybe times in life when we lose focus of the divine, but the fuzzy outline is still there!
The central figure is an image of a abstract pregnant woman. A sort of pre-madonna in the true essence of the phrase. Again we deal with the general theme of renewal. The unborn child is a symbol of potential and promise. But there is also a problem! The pregnant figure seems to be levitating in the body position of the Christian crucifixion. The painting seems to suggest that through the pain of sacrifice in our lives, we can reach a higher state or plane of being. Through discipline, hard work, patience, and even suffering, we will eventually ascend to a higher state. This is also consistent with the Christian idea of the resurrection. All 7 chakras are illuminated and layered on top of the sacred symbols rest an image of the Kabbalah tree of life. The pregnant figure is shimmering with the raw energy of the cosmos. She is flanked by birds of peace [white doves], and birds of war [war planes]. There are also a lot of subtle iconic symbols floating in the space around the figure.
dogwoodgallery1 [lol…found this post on Instagram ]
Beneath the illuminated being are seven trans-dimensional dolphins that can apparently flow through solid matter as if it was as buoyant as water. Dolphins are said to have a more complex nervous system than humans! They are extremely interesting animals on multiple levels that I won’t begin to unpack in this post.
It is said that Jesus was buried between two thieves. On the left of the crucified figure is McDonalds and on the right is Wal-Mart. Nuff said.
Most of the painting is dark! I really wanted to generate a sort of Gotham City effect. The luminous buildings enclose thick thunderclouds that descend deep into the distance. The general theme of the painting is about awakening to a connection to the higher self. Inside of the McDonalds is a very small image of Jay Z presumably having dinner. The odds of catching him at a McDonalds eating anything are probably similar to the remote possibly being a witness to some meta-physical event like the one in this painting. Oddly there is a white silhouette  of a sniper on top of the highest building taking aim at the unknowing Jay Z.
Figure that one out 🙂
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Every day we wake up and put on our armor in order to go out into the world. The mentality is “you’re not going to hurt me… you’re not going to get at me…” or whatever. The truth is, the same shields we put in place to protect us, simultaneously cuts us off from what on a subconscious level we desire the most – human connection. It’s a bitter sweet irony.

I often wonder about how much I let other people’s thoughts about my life influence my decisions. I would ponder on how much I let the fear of rejection stop me from even trying certain things in my past. My daily focus as of late is to be as honest as I can be within the context of the situation I find myself at any given moment. Sometimes this gets tricky and at times even a little disarming. Afterwards though – if you pay close attention – you will notice that your honesty and vulnerability is the closest thing to really feeling authentically human as we can get! You will also notice that people will begin to respect you in a way that they did not before. People will begin to seek advice and counsel from you because they can sense that the response they receive is coming from a real place. A person can only reach that level of authenticity with another person by being vulnerable enough so that the other person feels comfortable enough to do the same. Mostly though, it requires the individual to be honest with him or herself.

I am not suggesting opening up to everyone you meet and attempting to have some deep dialogue. What I said above is so far as I can tell the safest methodology. Be as honest as you can be within the context of the moment. It takes a little guts but the benefit definitely outweighs the risk – most of the time. Then – pay close attention to the different directions the results push you in along your path.

Thanks for reading,


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Form Meets Function

Form meets Function 66X28 Oil on Canvas $1000
Form meets Function is one of my largest pieces. The 66×28 inch oil on canvas painting is a part of a series I am working on that attempts to bridge hip hop culture with eastern philosophy. The painting was done with bold colors that juxtapose each other, yet essentially work together…. Hence the title of the painting! Form meets Function deals with the idea that everything in nature is formed by a marriage of the two words. Hermetic Philosophy calls this idea the Law of Gender.

form meets function apache

The Law of Gender is a tricky idea to understand, particularly because it does not exclusively deal with the sexes. The original idea is much larger in scale!

Once understood, the Law of Gender seems obvious, but at first the idea requires a little explanation – stay with me here. The simple description would be to state that nature takes form based on function, and function is only capable because of form. They are separate but totally dependent upon each other. A good example is color and shape. Think about it, you never see a shape without a color…. Or a color without a shape! Two things that we natural think of as distinct, yet they both need each other to exist. Taoist also deal with this idea within their concept of Yin and Yang. You can only see the color black to the degree that its edges are defined by a gradient of white.

Zwei Mag Article Page 13Another angle on the idea from the sex standpoint is that males have exterior sex organs while the female organ is interior.  The male element deals with materials, things, and physical utilities – left brain stuff (outie). The female element deals with meaning, purpose, and non-physical feelings – right brain stuff (inny).  An example of how this all works can be demonstrated by using something as simple as a pencil. The male aspect is the wooden shape, yellow color, and the eraser. The female aspect is the letter, poem, or drawing created with it! Both sexes contain and balance both elements as human beings. But again, the idea is much deeper than sex and simple gender. A spirit is useless without the body, while the body is meaningless without the spirit. If you can fully open your mind up to this concept you will gradually begin to see how everything is created this way. It is a universal law. I could really go on to explain even more variations of this law but I suppose at some point I should talk about how it applies to my painting.

Form meets Function has a central figure that I originally used an image of lyricists Lil Wayne’s face as the model. It wasn’t until after I added the third eye and the exposed brain structure that I realized nobody would recognize Lil Wayne without his locks. Later on, after a I added more bold colors to the face, it occurred to me that it didn’t look much like him at all.

I approached the painting as if during deep meditation, the central figure realized the Law of Gender and his intrinsic connection to it. He is flanked by two whimsical male and female figures that seem to be aiding with his understanding of this law. Finally, at the point of comprehension of this great teaching, the “Flower of Life” blossoms atop his head and his third eye opens! All of this occurs during the central figure’s meditation. One could assume that the guy is somewhere sitting in the lotus position on a mat in a quiet room alone.

Thanks for reading!


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The Idea

There is a sequence at the beginning of
the Christopher Nolan movie “INCEPTION” that I found particularly
insightful. I settled in after the brief exchange detailed below,
knowing that I was in for a good movie:

is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal
Arthur: [the
dude from “500 days of summer”?]

“Ah, what Mr Cobb is trying to say…”
idea! Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of
the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully
formed, fully understood – That sticks… right in there somewhere.”
[he points to his head]

In the movie,
Cobb’s wife becomes so arrested by a particular idea that she decided
to jump off of the ledge of a highrise during one of the movies most
gripping scenes. We see this same scenario played out all the time
through various fanatical religious groups and cults, but the themes
sprinkled throughout this film, exhibited this rather common mind set
with a fresh spin.

Sure enough, I
simmered on this idea for days after seeing the movie. It occurred to
me how little we challenge the ideas and perceptions that we are
simply given in one way or another. On a figuratively smaller scale,
society has self-generated a myriad of archetypal personality molds
that we ultimately work ourselves to death trying to fit into as
well. The middle aged business man with his data phone and hard
shoes; the single mother from the bottom who over-achieves beyond
what the odds and statistics suggest she should;  the young soldier
who has sworn allegiance to a flag that blows in the wind; the
flannel shirt, camouflage cap, and pick up truck guy; the street-wise
thug, the priest, the multi pierced black leather wearing rebel, the
soccer mom, the ultra-deep artist [my personal favorite] – are all

While I am not
Freud or Jung, the archetype seems to fit Cobb’s description outlined
above. These ideas – or parasites, need a constant flow of things to
prop them up in our day-to-day consciousness. We exhaust ourselves
with the task of supporting this conceptual self to the point that it
over shadows our lives in the physical world. Its is the very
definition of schizophrenia. The Buddhist call it the “monkey
mind”. We jump from one vine to the next in search of the
validation that can really only be truly realized by stillness. We
buy this, get rid of that, rub on this, sign up for that… all in an
outward search for something we already possess – ourselves. This
mind state is the equivalent of trying to smooth out the ripples in a
body of water with a straightening iron. The individual becomes lost
in his effort to correct an ever-changing material experience while
simultaneously creating more confusion for himself. “Each
of us is something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided
against ourselves” ~Martin Luther King Jr,
to Love

This individual and
collective idea of the “self” has had many names. Some have
called it the persona, others the ego, some in a broader sense –
patriotism. The word  “persona” means “mask” which implies
deception, the ego is always threatened, and the nation-state spends
billions that could be used for so much more…. on “defense” –
all fear based perceptions. Whatever one decides to title it, the
self can only survive in a human beings mental past and future. It
cannot survive in the present. There is no space for it while you are
actually perceiving.

It is not until you
reflect, or anticipate that the ego exist at all! However, in and of
itself – the ego is not a bad thing, to the contrary it can be one
of the most rewarding vehicles in life. None of the roles I named
above possess any negative connotations as the role, rather it is our
obsession with the role that becomes the problem. Our imbalanced
self-identification with the role or ego is at the root of almost all
human suffering. I would make the argument that it is not until a man
ceases this rigorous association with his idea of himself that he can
truly enjoy the use of his ego uninhibited by its built-in protection

I have an exercise
that I think will help you to become aware of how much our thoughts
revolve around maintaining our conceptual selves during a given day.
Gently pay attention to how many times you catch yourself in a one
hour period thinking the words “I” or”Me” – that’s all.
Unless you are a practicing meditator I can almost guarantee that you
will be shocked! Turn your attention around to the awareness that is
reading this post. For the past few moments as you focused in on the
text in front of you, your name wasn’t the “idea” that was given
to you of who you are. Your social security number and credit score
did not matter,  neither did any of the endless things we use to prop
our fragile egos into position everyday.  You were simply…
perceiving! That is the essence of meditation – the non-self. It is
the same place you go during dreamless sleep late at night. During
dreamless sleep you are not Mr. or Mrs. So&So. The cessation of
your so called identity for over eight hours does not stop your heart
from beating or your lungs from expanding. “Most civilized people
are out of touch with reality because they confuse the world as it
is, with the world as they think about it, talk about it and describe
it. For on the one hand there is the real world and on the other
there is a whole system of symbols about that world which we have in
our minds” Alan Watts.

Over the centuries,
scientist have diced the human brain up into thousands of pieces and
they have yet been able to find one thought, one memory, not a single
fiber of intuition. That is because your conceptual identity does not
really exist in the material world! It is an idea. If you can fully
grasp this, it changes everything! You no longer have to live divided
against yourself. You are already perfect in design. Everything since
the big bang has floated into position for you to be exactly right
here where you are right now. Who are we to argue with that? The
fearful, individual ego against the entire universe – not good
betting odds. You are a human “being” not a human “doing”.
Learn to just be.

Ponder this for an
example of the effectiveness of this parasite. On average a person
sleeps for eight hours and is awake for sixteen give or take. Out of
sixteen hours, at least eight of them [probably a lot more for some]
are consumed managing this fear driven ego, by running mental movies
about “me or I” in an imaginary past or future. When you really
take a hard look at it, most peoples fears never materialize into the
real world.

Simply put, most of
our biggest fears we simply never live to see. Still, just the
possibility of the fear manifesting is enough suck most of the juice
out of the present moment because the ego is always threatened. Stay
with me here. That means that half of a person’s waking hours during
a given day are spent in a dream-like state as opposed to fully
inhabiting ones senses in physical reality. Spread that parasitical
perception out over a year and the dream grows exponentially. Spread
it out over a lifetime and that’s right you guessed it folks – that
equals half of your waking life!

There are some who
believe that it is meditation with the intention of “knowing thy
self”, not a doctorate degree indicating a high mastery of
something external, that is the most important practice one can learn
in life. Unless we learn a method of not being pushed around by our
thousands of thoughts a day, we will always be the victim of whatever
idea dominates them. It is not until the wind stops that the pond
becomes still enough to see one’s own reflection. And at the end of
the day, what else  as a sentient being is more important than self
realization? With that said, self realization is just another damn




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